David Loomis
Phone: 740-682-7055
Fax: 740-682-6075
High School Spanish I-IV
Cecelia Lundy
Phone: 740-682-7096
Fax: 740-682-7065
Elementary School Aide
Marisa Lyons
Phone: 740-682-7096
Fax: 740-682-7065
Elementary School Kindergarten
Penny Malone
Phone: 740-682-7595
Fax: 740-682-6998
District Bus Driver
Philip Malone
Phone: 740-682-7096
Fax: 740-682-7065
Elementary School Grade 5 Social Studies
Jason Mantell
Phone: 740-682-7595
Fax: 740-682-6998
District Superintendent
Ashley Massie
Phone: 740-682-7096
Fax: 740-682-7065
Elementary School Kindergarten
Bonnie Maynard
Phone: 740-682-7055
Fax: 740-682-6075
Middle/High School Cafeteria
Jamie Mays
Phone: 740-682-7055
Fax: 740-682-6075
High School Aide
Tammy McCain
Phone: 740-682-7055
Fax: 740-682-6075
High School General Business
Parker McClure
Phone: 740-682-7096
Fax: 740-682-7065
Elementary School Grade 3
Beth McCorkle
Phone: 740-682-7055 Ext. 1250
Fax: 740-682-6075
District Director of Student Activities and Transportation
Melony McIntosh
Phone: 740-682-7096
Fax: 740-682-7065
Elementary School Cafeteria
Heath McKinniss
Phone: 740-682-7055
Fax: 740-682-6075
High School Resource
Andrea McNeal
Phone: 740-682-7096
Fax: 740-682-7065
Elementary School Nurse Aide
Taylor Metzler
Phone: 740-682-7096
Fax: 740-682-7065
Elementary School Grade 3
Andrea Michael
Phone: 740-682-7096
Fax: 740-682-7065
Elementary School Grade 1
Susan Michael
Phone: 740-682-7096
Fax: 740-682-7065
District Speech & Hearing Specialist
Brittany Miller
Phone: 740-682-7096
Fax: 740-682-7065
Elementary School Aide
Jeffrey Moore
Phone: 740-682-7595
Fax: 740-682-6998
District Grounds Keeper/Custodian
Beth Morgan
Phone: 740-682-7096
Fax: 740-682-7065
Elementary School Preschool Director/Teacher
Mary Ann Mullins
Phone: 740-682-7096
Fax: 740-682-7065
Elementary School Grade 5 Science
Libby Myers
Phone: 740-682-7096
Fax: 740-682-7065
Elementary School Principal's Secretary
Morganne Newsom
Phone: 740-682-7096
Fax: 740-682-7065
Elementary School Assistant Principal
Karley Jo Osborne
Phone: 740-682-7096
Fax: 740-682-7065
Elementary School Intervention 5
Mechelle Osborne
Phone: 740-682-7096
Fax: 740-682-7065
Elementary School Aide
Penny Parker
Phone: 740-682-7055
Fax: 740-682-6075
Middle/High School Principals' Secretary
Jarin Penwell
Phone: 740-682-7096
Fax: 740-682-7065
Elementary School Aide
Scott Perkins
Phone: 740-682-7595
Fax: 740-682-6998
District Bus Driver
Rebekah Potter
Phone: 740-682-7096
Fax: 740-682-7065
Elementary School Principal
Brittany Rhodes
Phone: 740-682-7096
Fax: 740-682-7065
Elementary School Aide
Angela Richards
Phone: 740-682-7055
Fax: 740-682-6075
High School Art I, Art II, Advanced Art
Brenda Rochus
Phone: 740-682-7055
Fax: 740-682-6075
Middle/High School Secretary
Bambi Roush
Phone: 740-682-7096
Fax: 740-682-7065
Elementary School Music
Tammy Roush
Phone: 740-682-7055
Fax: 740-682-6075
High School Interactive Media, Information Technology
Nicole Ruby
Phone: 740-682-7096
Fax: 740-682-7065
Elementary School Grade 4
Rob Sams
Phone: 740-682-7055
Fax: 740-682-6075
High School Math
Tara Saylor
Phone: 740-682-7096
Fax: 740-682-7065
Elementary School Grade 5
Alicia Shaner
Phone: 740-682-7595
Fax: 740-682-6998
District Central Office Executive Secretary
Christine Simmering
Phone: 740-682-7096
Fax: 740-682-7065
Elementary School Intervention 3-4
Amber Smith
Phone: 740-682-7055 Ext. 1228
Fax: 740-682-6075
District Network Technician
Tim Sowers
Phone: 740-682-7055
Fax: 740-682-6075
Middle School Intervention
Karen Spees
Phone: 740-682-7055
Fax: 740-682-6075
Middle/High School Guidance Counselor
Kim Spohn
Phone: 740-682-7055
Fax: 740-682-6075
Middle School 7th and 8th Grade English, Reading
Dena Spriggs
Phone: 740-682-7055
Fax: 740-682-6075
Middle/High School Student Activities
Natalie Stepp
Phone: 740-682-7096
Fax: 740-682-7065
Elementary School Grade 2
Chad Stevens
Phone: 740-682-7055
Fax: 740-682-6075
Middle School Intervention
Joe Stewart
Phone: 740-682-7595
Fax: 740-682-6998
District Transportation Coordinator/Mechanic
Cody Swann
Phone: 740-682-7055
Fax: 740-682-6075
Middle/High School Custodian
Susan Swann
Phone: 740-682-7055
Fax: 740-682-6075
Middle/High School Cafeteria