Oak Hill Union Local Schools
Oak Hill, Ohio
Due to staff in-service, classes will not be in session Friday, February 28

ProgressBook Parent Access

Parents -- would you like to check your child’s grades from home or work?  You may request your Parent Registration Key by emailing us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or contact the website managerA Parent Registration Key is only for creating a parent account, and a Student Registration Key is only for creating a student account.  Key is no longer valid after the account is created.

Please provide the following information:

1) Your name 

2) Your child's complete name as shown on school records

3) Your child's current grade level 

4) Your child's student ID number (if known)

5) Your phone number (and the best time for us to call in case we need to speak with you)

Your Parent Registration Key will be emailed to you. 

Accounts are available only for students in grades 2 through 12. 

Parents need only one account to access all of their children's grades.  Email us for the registration key to add a child to an existing parent account.

Note -- this service is restricted to parents or legal guardians.