Oak Hill Union Local Schools
Oak Hill, Ohio
Due to staff in-service, classes will not be in session Friday, February 28

Class of 2004


 Elizabeth Adams
Darold Lee Adkins
Jessica Adkins
James Arrowood
Suzanna Arthur
Kristina Barry
Angel Bond
Ronald "TC" Boyd
Robert Brofford
Mary Elizabeth Brown
Stevie Beth Brown
Sue Ann Brunton
Nicole Canter
Denis Canter
Joshua Carter
Justin Carter
Michelle Cattee
Kara Caulley
Lindsay Collins
Christopher Comer
Aaron Conley
Nathaniel Costilow
John Wilson Cupp
Katie Marie Davis
Eric Dearth
Steven Mark Dunn
Eric Evans
Daniel Farney
Ashley Brooke Fisher
Kayla Fisher
Eric Floyd
Vanessa Frisby
Emily Ann Fulk
Crystal Sue Gamble
Ryan Gardner
Andrew Ryan Gilliland
Melynda Gilliland
Whitney Hale
Roger Dean Horner II
Brittany House
Brandee Nicole Howell
Andrew Hoyt
Brian Hughes
Brittany Nicole Hughes
Adam Ray Ison
Ashley Lynn Johnson
Regina Johnson
James Karshner
Meghan Leonard
Terry Lee Leonard II
John Lewis, Jr.
Charles Massie
Robert Massie
Kristina Masters
Amanda Ruth Maynard
Aaron Scott McGhee
Devin Gail McGoon
Carrie Jo McNeal
Lindsay McNeal
Christopher Meldau
Derek Milhoan
Charles Miller
Nathan Miller
Erica Lynn Moore
Terri Lee Morris
Jennifer Renea Nelson
Anthony Osborne
Andrea Paulins
Douglas Pelfrey
Sheanell Rawlins
Crystal Richardson
Cody Rochus
Cassidy Ruff
Sarah Elizabeth Ruth
Jamie Scott
Jamie Allyn Slone
Charles Lee Smith
Jennifer Smith
Ryan Somsel
Kristin Strickland
Megan Strickland
Donald Sturgill
Candy Stumbo
Tina Ann Stump
Andrea Michelle Tedford
Denise Thompson
Candice Weddington
Jeremy Michael Wicker
Ashley Woods
Jennifer Woolum
Nicholas Alan Wright