Oak Hill Union Local Schools
Oak Hill, Ohio

OHSchoolBus ribbon

School will be in session Monday, April 21 as a make-up day.

Class of 1963


Doris Lee Adkins
Paul M. Adkins
Robert Stephen Adkins
Beulah Francis Barnhart
Sharon Kay Bates
Archie P. Bloomfield
Phil A. Bowman
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Mary Beth Coleman
Robert L. Crace
Douglas M. Crabtree
Rita Gayle Crider
Katherine Jeanne Crusan
Nancy M. Davis
Judy Kay Delaney
David Keith Dunn
Daniel J. Evans
Dorothy Pauline Evans
Jane Elizabeth Evans
Leland Howard Evans
Roger Lee Gilliland
Nellie Louann Hall
Norma Jean Hardin
Arnold Hilderbrant
Garnet Lyvone Howard
Carol Ann Lovett
Gary A. McCain
Janet Lea McCain
Larry McCoy
Carol Ilene McFann
Darrell Franklin McFann
Michael H. Metzler
Elizabeth Ellen Miller
David D. Moore
Jerry Dane Myers
Phyllis C. Oiler
Clyde Quick, Jr.
Phyllis Faye Radabaugh
Thomas Meredith Rankin
John E. Reed
Thomas E. Rife
Jennie Grace Roberts
Donna Jean Ruth
Rita Elizabeth Shaffer
Lowell Ray Sharp
Gladys Marie Simpson
Mary Wiles Spohn
Randy L. Spohn
Cheryl M. Staten
Genevieve Ruth Taylor
Jesse R. Taylor
Bonnie J. Simpson Thomas
Ethel Ruth Wallace
Larry R. Welch
Gregory L. Wilson
Jan S. Wintermute