Oak Hill Union Local Schools
Oak Hill, Ohio
Due to staff in-service, classes will not be in session Friday, February 28

Class of 1941


Donley Addis
Tommy Allen
Juanita Bondurant
Billy H. Bowman
Thomas Brisker
Effama F. Cochrane
Roland Crace, Jr.
Lewis Davis
Lorraine Davis
Lucille Davis
Bobby Dunn
Helena Edwards
Calvin Evans
Clark Evans
Carl E. Fienup
Beldon B. Gilliland
Robert Griffiths
John Herbert, Jr.
Esther Hughes
Raymond Hughes
Elaine Jones
Robert Kiser
Jack Lewis
Stanley Lewis
Helen Marks
Bennett Martin
Blodwin McCorkle
Jenalys McCorkle
Thomas McCoy
Marjorie Meadows
Joseph Miller
Murray Moore
Leroy Morgan
Marie Morgan
Robert Mynes
Faye Neff
Lowell W. Parks
Amelia Potts
Louise Potts
Frances Prichard
Thelma Ratcliffe
John Shelton
Alwilda E. Short
Betty Shumate
Bruce Smith, Jr.
Edgar Snyder
Ruby Snyder
Winifred Spriggs
Norma Thomas
Winifred Ann Thomas
Jeannetta Windon