Oak Hill Union Local Schools
Oak Hill, Ohio

OHSchoolBus ribbon

School will be in session Monday, April 21 as a make-up day.

Class of 1932


Stanley Addis
Mary Allen
Mary Cummins
Ceynor Davis
Thomas Albert Davis
Ceola Evans
Evan Howard Evans
John Ellis Evans
James Fuller
Mary Harrell
David Herbert
Paul Hiatt
Thurman Howell
David Harold Hughes
Robert Thomas Hughes
Betty Jane Jenkins
Palmer Jones
Emma Kress
Icy Martin
Robert McDaniel
Roma McNerlin
Alwyn Miller
Hubert Pratt
Edward Ruth
Kathryn Ruth
Dudley Shackleford
Mary Shelton
Joe Thomas
Beulah Tope
Harold Trainer
Mary Wolfe
Fay Woolum