Oak Hill Union Local Schools
Oak Hill, Ohio
Due to staff in-service, classes will not be in session Friday, February 28

McCorkle ('76) Named to Hall of Honor

Class of ‘76 News: Marsha (Thomas) McCorkle was named to the 2021 Oak Hill High School Hall of Honor.

Photo of Marsha Thomas McCorkleMarsha McCorkle is a lifelong resident of Oak Hill. Marsha is the daughter of Jodie and the late Ray Thomas, the wife of Paul McCorkle, and the mother of Tyson Swann.

Marsha graduated from Oak Hill High School in 1976 where she was a member of the National Honor Society; co-editor of the Oaks Window school newspaper; in the Oak Hill High School High School Marching Oaks band; and was on the homecoming court.

She graduated from Rio Grande College in 1980. She received a Master’s Degree from the University of Rio Grande in 1994. In March of 1981, Marsha began her teaching career at Blackfork School as a Learning Disabilities Tutor. Over the next 30 years, she was an Intervention Specialist at Blackfork, KW Lewis, Central, Oak View, and Oak Hill High School. She taught elementary, middle, and high school students.

Class of 1979 - Reunion '19

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The Oak Hill High School Class of 1979 held its 40-year Class Reunion on July 5, 2019.

Class of 1967 - Reunion '17

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The Oak Hill High School Class of 1967 held its 50-year Class Reunion on May 19, 2017.