Oak Hill Union Local Schools
Oak Hill, Ohio
Due to staff in-service, classes will not be in session Friday, February 28

Class of 1966 - Reunion '23

Group photo of the Class of 1966

The OHHS Class of 1966 held its 57th reunion at the Liberty Theater on May 27, 2023.

Pictured seated (L-R) are Rita Bloomfield Waugh, Cheryl Faulkner Adkins, Pam Bates, Mark Anderson, Margo Bates Anderson, Paula Morgan Jorge, Patsy Kinnison Lambert, Janis MacLennan James, and Judi Hale Woodruff.

Pictured standing (L-R) are Mary Lahrmer Jaycox, Brenda Fulk Belcher, Pam Dearth Riley, Barbara Kuhn Conger, Marsha Bradshaw McCorkle, Jimbo Comer, Dwight Bowen, Bonnie Gray McCain, Marlin Lovett, Cheryl Morgan Lovett, Thelma Bloomfield Russell, Richard Edwards, Connie Snyder Evans, Paul Russ, Judy Thurston Brooks, Don Caldwell, Joe Pelfrey, Dick Detty, Paul Lundy, and Chester Burton.

Photo by Morgan Bates Griffith and Rylee Bates